Lunada Bay Elementary

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Academics » Dual Language Immersion Program

Dual Language Immersion Program

Lunada Bay's Dual Language Immersion Program is currently in it's second year of operation.  Both of our DI classes (Kindergarten and first grade) teach the same curriculum as the English-only classes, but they do it in Spanish!  They are learning in Spanish 90% of the day, with the remaining 10% of the day spent  learning English Language Arts with another teacher, and in special classes, such as PE, Music and Art with English-only speaking teachers.
We will add a second grade class in the 2025-2026 school year, a third grade class in the 2026-2027 school year, and so on until we have a complete K-5 program.  Each year the percentage of time taught in Spanish narrows by 10%, so second grade will be 80% in Spanish and 20% in English, etc.  In fifth grade the students will be learning 50% in Spanish and 50% in English.
If you are considering the program for your child, please note that your child must begin in Kindergarten and that there is a lottery to get into the DI program that you sign up for during registration.
We will be hosting a DI Open House on February 8 from 10:00-12:00 if you would like to come to Lunada Bay to learn about the program, meet the principal, meet the teachers, and see the classrooms!  Please RSVP to [email protected].
For a collaborative document filled with parent resources for DI families, please click here:
To see the district promotional video about our DI program, please click here: